Au Revoir 2013, Bonjour 2014!

I'm not one for resolutions and even if I do 'make them' I can guarantee they'll be broken and it'll be "What did you say? No booze, Join a gym?... Who's Jim?!" within the hour. I guess the only resolution I make is not to make any at all. This year is not any different with the 'no resolution's resolution' but I am trying to make some changes with moderation being the key word. (She say's just unscrewing the top off the second bottle of red. I joke, I kid.) I'm just trying not to pressure myself into scrimping on every meal, and making myself feel guilty when giving into the regular office birthday cake/chocolate. Lets face it, I'm never going to give up on all the delicious cheese and red meat (sorry veggies) I eat and THANK GOD there are no calories in pickled onions.

2014 is the first year I actually feel content and stable in my life. Of course there are still things I would like to change and do, but I wouldn't be a woman if I was perfectly happy! I am very happily living with my boyfriend in our own flat that we can (just about) afford, enjoying my job (surprisingly), getting back into dancing (yay!) and FINALLY starting up my own blog.
I have landed a regular teaching job for 2 and half hours every Monday which now means I cannot be lazy and have to actually get up off my arse (how ironic that I'm now doing just that right now) as I have people relying on me. How shit of a teacher would I be if I couldn't do the things I'm asking of my students?! Puts the Boursin and white french stick away and does guilty sit ups...
Taking the lessons means I'll be doing more than climbing the 5 flights of stairs at work I previously called my 'daily exercisewhich will finally enable me to shift that extra Christmas weight (who I am kidding?! Also last years, Autumn, Summer, Spring and Christmas 2012's few pounds/STONES...) tone up and feel more confident in wearing any other colour than black! I might go cray cray and sport a charcoal grey somewhere in the not so distant future!

I wasn't kidding...

Aaaaanyway, what I am trying to say if I can at last make my point without going off on another tangent, is that I am finally feeling like everything is slowly, but surely, slipping into place. It feels as if I've finally got everything I've ever wanted; to live in London, to be dancing, to be earning enough money to live in a nice grown-up flat and still have the most amazing family and friends supporting me.

Have you made any resolutions? I hope you are doing better than me at keeping them!

Thanks for reading! Please leave any comments, I would love to know what you think of my first go at blogging (and apologies for the crap picture, my laptop wasn't playing ball earlier when trying to edit! I promise it'll get better!)

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