One pound jumpsuit, one pound jumpsuit... one pooooouuuund juuuumpsuit

I write to you this morning on (apparently) the hottest day in September since 1911, from the stuffy walk in centre waiting room. I've managed to get myself a nice little infection in my gum behind my wisdom tooth. It's not painful one bit and I'm having the best time (said through partially gritted teeth because I can't close my mouth properly)! I'm also totally 100% looking forward to having a whole week off the booze due to the antibiotics, especially when I'm booked in for a bottomless brunch on Saturday afternoon. It's an even bigger bummer of a situation that there'll be over 30 other people in my party enjoying the delights of unlimited Prosecco (literally my dream) whilst I'll probably be crying into my eggs (and non-alcoholic cocktail). WAHHHHH! 

(edit: I totally googled this and it's apparently a myth, so don't expect to hear from me for the next week as I'll probably be face down in a puddle of my own vomit.)

FBJ (Floral Bomber Jacket....obvs)

Hello you wonderful lot! 

I'm currently typing to you all from my sofa watching GBBO (Great British Bake Off for the non-nerds of the baking world) at 8pm on a Friday evening. ROCK AND FUCKING ROLL. Everyone else is in the pub. Unfortunately I had a little bit too much fun last night at a work event (can someone say 'free drinks'?!). Feeling a bit ropey today so it's TV and an early night for me.

So for the reason you're all here; who are you kidding, you're here for my hilarious wit and charm obviously, I would just like to introduce you to the reason that I am wishing summer away right now. This AMAZINGLY beautiful floral jacquard fur collared bomber jacket.

Paris - Day Two

Bonjoir mon amis!
I'm writing to you from my electric blanket heated bed on a Sunday evening with Family Guy playing in the background. #Goals.
Feeling pretty crappy as I read over and post this now that it is gloomy Monday! Figuratively and literally - someone sort this weather out please?!

Matt, Nat & Frank.

Hello my little loves! Hope this grey English fake Friday is treating you well! Rest assured, it will inevitably rain aaaaall weekend which means that it may be deemed slightly more acceptable to be tucked up devouring chocolate eggs the whole time.

Paris - Day One

For my 27th birthday, I was lucky enough to be treated to a weekend away in the romantic capital of the world, Paris, by my wonderful boyfriend (is that enough compliments, Ste?).

Long time no blog part two.....

Hi all!

I know what you're thinking "here she goes again with her 'It's me again!' fleeting excuse for a blog" but this time I promise, in the words of Arnie; I am back!...or something like that.
My pathetic attempt at blogging has now failed twice. Once, due to a small bump along the road we call life and the second time, down to the fact that I am, frankly, a fucking lazy arse. So, you know what they say hey?! Third times a charm!

So stick with me (please) to see me filling your screens with many marvellous delights such as, a shit load of clothes, along with an insight into my lifestyle (just me doing lots of drinking basically), my favourite beauty buys and where on the globe I have been travelling!

So I bid you farewell for now my loves, and I'll be back!

(...ahhhh that's the one.)

Talia x